Wohin in Wien

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Diese Veranstaltung ist schon vorbei


  • So 7. Jul ’19, 18:00


Lalish Theaterlabor, Gentzgasse 62, 18. Währing Landkarte anzeigen


Ab 16

Ticket Information:

  • Normalpreis: €15,00
  • Ermäßigung: €10,00

Final performances of the "Hybrid Butoh" course

What would be your last dance?
How would it be if in the last minutes of life you had the right to perform one last dance? What kind of moves would you make? Can you imagine this dance?
From the flowers of Kazuo Ohno, passing through the darkness of Tatsumi Hijikata, the Jinen dance of Atsushi Takenouchi and the Brazilian Butoh of Will Lopes, we arrive in our personal world to perform THE LAST DANCE of the Hybrid Butoh Workshops.

With: Miriam Strasser, Michael Waldeck
Special guest: Will Lopes ... dancing an extract of his butoh solo KAGEBARA.
Direction: Will Lopes

Danach werden alle Anwesenden zu einem kostenfreien orientalischen Buffet eingeladen!
Reservierung erforderlich: lalishtheater@hotmail.com
Tel.: 014780609

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